
Val Rogers
Feb 16, 20228 min read
Is That All There is, Trumpet Man?
-Reflections on the passing of a dear friend. Roland Chirico was a dear friend of mine, and a music icon, not only to me, but to oh so...
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Val Rogers
Oct 25, 20219 min read
What A Difference a Year (or 3) Makes-Perspectives from a Mother of a Marine (MoM)
Mother of Marine Reflects on the Past Year. The differences between sending your son off to College vs. the Marine Corps.
1,001 views2 comments

Val Rogers
Sep 7, 20217 min read
Why Family Traditions Matter
As the Labor Day picnics, gatherings, BBQ's and festivities come to a close, I find myself pondering "Why do family traditions matter?"
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Val Rogers
Feb 28, 20205 min read
Reflections on Transitions -From an Entertainers Perspective
This is an interesting fact about musical & creative people: I hope you are ready for this, because I am being completely honest here.
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Val Rogers
Jan 15, 20205 min read
A Philosophical Look on “Today is the Day”
I've been chastised for being a bit blunt on this topic. We all die.
237 views1 comment

Val Rogers
Aug 3, 20195 min read
Being a Mom Without A Mom
One of the hardest life-events I have experienced has been my grappling with being a mom without a mom.
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Val Rogers
Jul 4, 20192 min read
Maria and Val Welcome You to the Truth Serum: Maria & Val
Welcome to Truth Serum
Why did Maria & Val create the YouTube Channel?
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